What is Contemplative Prayer?

CO_MinStBAsil Feb

Renewing the Understanding of the Contemplative Tradition

Father Carl Arico wrote a series of questions and answers about the richness of Contemplative Prayer, Centering Prayer and the role of Contemplative Outreach.

I highly recommend you read his article: Renewing the Understanding of the Contemplative Tradition

Exploring Foundations of Contemplative Living

Dear friends

For me, it is a privilege to be working with the group that is planning the retreat led by James Finley and I am very excited to let you know with enough time. I would like to invite you personally to this event. The space is limited. For more information and registration go to http://www.stpauls-church.org/ or call (216)-932-5815

 Please, register early before is sold out.

Josefina Fernandez



Fr. William Meninger -Love Beyond Limitations – Part 4 of The Four Monks


Fr. Basil Pennington – The Infinite Capacity for Love – Part 3 of The Four Monks


Fr. Thomas Keating – The Necessity for Meditation – Part 2 of The Four Monks


Fr. Joseph Boyle – Gratitude for the Beginings – Part 1 of The Four Monks

This is the first segment of The Four Monks:
Gratitude for the Beginnings with Fr. Joseph Boyle


Los Cuatro Monjes

Durante la Conferencia de Contemplative Outreach en donde se celebró los 30 años de Contemplative Outreach el pasado Septiembre, vi este video. Los cuatro monjes son el Abad Joseph Boyle, el padre Thomas Keating, el padre Basil Pennington y el padre William Meninger. Ellos discuten acerca la Oración Centrante, contemplación y los 30 años de Contemplative Outreach.

During the Contemplative Outreach Conference, celebrating the 30th anniversary of Contemplative Outreach last September, I watch this video and I love it. The four monks are Abbot Joseph Boyle, Fr. Thomas Keating, Fr.Basil Pennington and Fr. William Meninger. They have a discussion about Centering Prayer, contemplation and 30 years of Contemplative Outreach. I hope you will enjoy this video as I did.

Josefina Fernandez
CONEO Coordinator
November 18,2014

During the Contemplative Outreach Conference, celebrating the 30th anniversary of Contemplative Outreach last September, I saw this video and I love it. The four monks are Abbot Joseph, Fr. Thomas Keating, Fr.Basil Pennington and Fr. William Meninger. They have a discussion about Centering Prayer, contemplation and 30 years of Contemplative Outreach. I hope you will enjoy this video as I did.

I am presenting the complete video and them the pieces so you may be able to watch them in the format that it is easier for you.

Josefina Fernandez
CONEO Coordinator
November 18,2014



The Four Monks

During the Contemplative Outreach Conference, celebrating the 30th anniversary of Contemplative Outreach last September, I saw this video and I love it. The four monks are Abbot Joseph Boyle, Fr. Thomas Keating, Fr.Basil Pennington and Fr. William Meninger. They have a discussion about Centering Prayer, contemplation and 30 years of Contemplative Outreach. I hope you will enjoy this video as I did.

I am presenting the complete video and them the pieces so you may be able to watch them in the format that it is easier for you.

Josefina Fernandez

CONEO Coordinator
November 18,2014
 Complete video of the four monks:


During my reading for today I was exposed to theme of Heart-fire and I would like to use for my two prayer groups today. The season of Advent give us a precise opportunity to rekindle that fire in our life and in our planet.


If you will, if you will,if you will,if you will.                                                                                                                       You can become all flame, you can become all flame, you can become all flame, you can become all flame. You can become all flame:                                                                                                                                                       Become all flame.

Become  All Flame. Darlene Franz, voice and harmonium.                                                                                           wisdomchant.bandcamp.com


<iframe style=”border: 0; width: 350px; height: 350px;” src=”http://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/track=1313771182/size=large/bgcol=ffffff/linkcol=0687f5/transparent=true/” seamless><a href=”http://wisdomchant.bandcamp.com/track/become-all-flame”>Become All Flame by Darlene Franz, voice and harmonium</a></iframe>

Abba Lot went to see Abba Joseph and said to him, “Abba, as far as I can, I say my little office. I fast a little. I pray. I meditate. I live in peace and as far as I can. I purify my thoughts. What else can I do?”
Then the old man stood up, stretched his hands towards heaven, and his fingers became like ten lamps of fire, and he said to him,
“If you will, you can become all flame.”
–Sayings of the Desert Fathers (tr. Benedicta Ward)