Reflections on Lectio Divina (part 3)


By Nancy Moran


In the next 3 sessions of the Contemplative Outreach e-course “Lectio Divina: Heart to Heart – Listening and Living with God”  we continue learning about the 4 Senses of Scripture.  The previous sessions covered the first  Sense of Scripture – the Literal sense and the second sense of Scripture – the Allegorical sense.


The focus of session 7 is the Behavioral/Moral Sense – Oratio – Responding to the Word of God.

This 3rd sense of Scripture corresponds to the level of friendship in a relationship.  As we connect with the Christ-energy in Scripture we begin to experience new realizations and begin to live the Scripture message more and more in our lives.  Our hearts are touched and Oratio is our response to the promptings of the Spirit.  Our response could be positive and/or negative feelings.  Our response could be a question or a decision.  Our response could be an act – as in forgiving another.  During periods of dryness our response could be simply patient waiting.  Whatever our response is, Oratio is a heart-to-heart exchange with Christ.


SESSIONS 8 and 9

The focus of the next sessions is the 4th sense of Scripture – the Unitive Sense – Contemplatio – Resting in the Word of God.

This Sense of Scripture corresponds to the level of intimacy in a relationship.  Union is an experience of oneness where opposites are reconciled.  We are listening with our whole being, totally present to the text.  We are brought to a place of rest that allows us to experience the text at deeper levels of faith.  We are simply with God, in interior quiet and peace – falling into God’s embrace.

While resting or perhaps if we become distracted we may be drawn to one of the other moments of Lectio Divina – reading or reflecting or responding.  We are in a dance.  We are opening ourselves to being led by the Spirit. Our efforts are of no matter, but only an obstacle to the interior peace and work of God.

In “The Classic Monastic Practice of Lectio Divina,” Father Thomas Keating gives us a theological description of union with God:

“In the Trinity, the Eternal Word is always emerging from the infinite silence of the Father and always returning.  The persons in the Trinity live in each other rather than in themselves.  The Father knows himself only in the Son, the Son only in the Father, and the Spirit expresses their unity, bringing together into One relationships that are infinitely distinct.  The Trinity is the basis for the oneness and diversity that we see expressed throughout creation.  In this way of doing Lectio, one is recognizing the presence of the Word of God in all creation and in every occurrence, experiencing what the author of John’s gospel wrote in the prologue, ‘Without Him was made nothing that has been made.’  In contemplative prayer, we are in touch with the source of all creation; hence, we transcend ourselves and our limited world views.  As a result, we feel at one with other people and enjoy a sense of belonging to the universe.  The fullness of the Godhead dwells bodily in Jesus, according to Paul.  The Divinity begins to dwell in us bodily in proportion to our capacity to receive it as we grow in union with the Eternal Word.  This process needs to be nourished both by the interior silence of contemplative prayer and cultivated by Lectio Divina (in the sense of listening).  The awareness of the divine presence will also begin to overflow into ordinary activity.”

Reflections on Lectio Divina (part 2)


by Nancy Moran

In the first 3 sessions of the Contemplative Outreach online e-course “Lectio Divina: Heart to Heart – Listening and Living with God”  we learned that the ancient prayer practice of Lectio Divina is a fluid 4 step dance with the Lord:  to read, to reflect, to respond and to rest.  This way of praying corresponds to a human relationship, relating with God in a natural, organic way and opening us to ever deeper levels of communication that ultimately disposes us to the gift of union.

In the next 3 sessions we learn about the “4 Senses of Scripture,” a term coined by the monks of the middle ages.  The 4 Senses of Scripture are literal, allegorical, behavioral/moral and unitive and they are reflected in the different moments of Lectio Divina:

The literal sense is Lectio

…I take the Word.

The allegorical sense is Meditatio

…I chew the Word.

The behavioral/moral sense is Oratio

…I digest the Word.

The unitive sense is Contemplatio

…I become the Word.


The focus of session 4 is the Literal Sense – Lectio – Reading the Word of God.  This sense corresponds to the level of acquaintanceship in a relationship.

A text that we choose to read for Lectio Divina may have more than one literal sense, since literal understanding is affected by the literary conventions and the historical context of the time.  Authors may refer to more than one level of reality as poetry and parables so often do.

When reading a text we should not be concerned with how much we are reading but rather with the quality of the reading.  By reading deeply we allow the passage to open up to the levels of meaning.  We should not be concerned with mastering the text but with allowing the text to master us, and by putting aside critiques, analyses and problem solving thinking.  Instead, we read the Scripture with an attitude of humility, detachment and receptivity.  We read slowly, not rushing into reflective thoughts, but just sitting with the reading, letting it go to a deeper level within us.


SESSIONS 5 and 6

The focus of sessions 5 and 6 is the second sense of Lectio Divina – The Allegorical Sense – Meditatio –  Reflecting/Pondering the Word of God.  As we reflect on the text we become open to God guiding us.  Hidden meanings begin to emerge from the text and the symbols, metaphors, images and stories speak to us about our own life journey.

The Allegorical Sense of Scripture corresponds to the level of friendship in a relationship.  As our level of identification with Scripture deepens we are able to grow in trust and honesty in our relationship with God.  As we are confronted with our own attachments we can allow God’s necessary purification and healing process to occur.

Sister Maria Tasto, an author and retreat leader on the practice of Lectio Divina says in her book,  The Transforming Power of Lectio Divina,


“Listening to the Word of God challenges us to stoop down lower than we have ever stooped before.  In other words, we need to step out of our world and into the world of Jesus.  We need to come defenseless, ready to be influenced…vulnerable, open to learn, to change, and to be transformed.  This may entail a level of listening that we have never engaged in before. This is true receptivity to the Word – to take it in and let it speak to us.  This is the challenge of Lectio Divina.  It is about entering into relationship with the Word.”